Friday, May 13, 2011

I'm in LOVE...and don't care who knows!

I'm in love with this post for so many reasons.

The new fav and possibly of all time.

The yummy and perfect.

The subject...perfectly lovable, hugable and squishable. Perfectly perfect in every way!

If you follow me on facebook, first thank you, and second you probably hear me talk about getting my baby fix on my sessions a lot. I love babies! Their smell, their laughs, even their little cries. But I also love to give them back to mom at the end of the day! ;)

This brings us to one of my favorite little fixes on Sundays. Meet Miss Eva. Her parents are nice enough to let me borrow her at church and get my baby fill...she certainly does the trick. And yes, she really is this happy and smiley all the time.

So Miss Eva (and Amy) thanks for the fun...because it was pure fun!!

Getting a little help from mom.
And a big thank you to my favorite princess, Miss Chloe, for helping my out. Good job Chloe, the dress looks perfect!


Mandy said...

Lovely work Michelle! Beautiful location and gorgeous light! <3

Veronica Peterson said...

Darling:) I love thy new blog layout! Awesome!

Phipps Family said...

So pretty! Once again- Perfect job Michelle!

Caitlin said...

LOVE the new blog layout! I've been trying to check it out, but I guess you were affected by the blogger apocolypse we had going on! Anyway, it looks great and it's just so you!

© Michelle Peterson Photography
CoffeeShop Designs